Friday 15 April 2011

“I wanted to get to know you better”

A guy from school added me the other day. I didn’t think much of it. I’d noticed his profile the other week as he seemed to be adding a lot of my friends (or they were adding him), I had a quick look at it and that was it. When he sent me a request I didn’t think too much of it. He was obviously just adding the people who he remembered from school. We did used to talk in the Year 7 so it wasn’t like he was just adding me because he recognised my name.

Today I was doing a bit of a facebook stalk as you do and I ended up back on his profile. Whilst on his profile I noticed that I had 5 messages from him on facebook chat! What a coincidence hey? At first I thought that maybe I’d pressed some button whilst on his profile and accidently sent him something but no he had actually popped up himself to say hi.

He started with a “hey I see you are living in Naples and speak numerous languages. But have you mastered the word ‘the’ yet?” At first I thought he was being rude, then I realised he was referring back to the days when he used to make fun of my mispronunciation of “the” and “that”. We had a bit of a chat. He told me that I looked really different now and that I was really pretty and all I could think was “please stop chatting me up, this is awkward!”. But after a while he admitted that he’d been thinking back to our school days recently and he was mad at himself for how he acted all those years ago. He wished he’d made more of an effort with people. He said that he couldn’t help but feel bad for having teased me about my pronunciation and decided to find me on facebook so that he could apologise and get to know me better.

I couldn’t believe it. No one from school has ever done this. I always knew he was the kindest boy out of his group but I never imagined he’d do this in a million years. We’ve been talking for a while now and  I’ve learnt a lot about him. He’s completely different to the boy he was at school. He’s gone from jock to bass player in a rock band. He’s hoping to go to America with his band to try and get some publicity. He says he isn’t in contact with the people he hung around with at school because he has nothing in common with them anymore. I understand what he means. Out of my friends at school, I only still talk to 3 of them, and although we are still good friends, we haven’t really had anything in common since we were at school.

I’d love to be able to talk to some other people like I am with him. There are a few answers I feel like I need, but the people I need them from will never give me them. This guy has always had a good heart. When he used to tease me I never doubted for a second that he was being malicious. I wish I was as big a person as he is. There are a few people who I should probably apologise to. I wouldn’t know where to start though.

In the meantime I’m looking forward to getting to know him better.

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