Thursday 24 March 2011

RIP Sian O’callaghan

Today was a sad day for Swindon, and of course the family, boyfriend and friends of Sian O’callaghan.

In a news conference that was broadcasted live around 5.30 GMT it was announced that two bodies had been found. One, although not officially confirmed, is undoubtedly Sian’s. Such awful news on a day where people were beginning to believe in the idea of a safe return. In the course of less than 24 hours things have moved so quickly. Well done to Wiltshire police. Investigations and searches which can usually span out weeks if not months were dealt with extremely fast. Unfortunately the outcome was not what any of us had hoped for.

I expected the press conference to be the usual “we’ve arrested a man on suspicion of kidnap, we will be carrying out further investigations of his home and surrounding area blah blah blah”, but instead we hear the words “murder” and “two bodies”. At first I thought he meant that they’d found Sian, alive, and two bodies. But I soon realised my mistake. I felt physically sick listening to the broadcast online. All hope was gone.

Even more concerning is the second body. Is it the boy from Bath who is also missing? Or is it someone completely unrelated, someone who was probably presumed to have run away (possibly years ago). No details have been given, but I hope that both victims of this serial killer rest in peace. In a way I feel more upset for the unknown victim because he/she has been forgotten. Sian, bless her soul, has had all the love and support of our united community, but this poor victim has gone without.

Just like the earthquake in Japan, it’s odd that something unrelated to me has affected me so much. However this is completely different. This is a girl who grew up in my home town, who shares some of my friends, who I may have seen in town, who was abducted and murdered on my doorstep, possibly by a man who lives only 5 minutes away from me. 

Some people are sick. There is so much evil in this world. But Swindon I am proud of you for how much you’ve supported Sian. I am a proud Swindonian. I’m sure Sian is very thankful for everything you have done for her.

RIP Sian and unknown soul. Your deaths will not be in vain. .

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