Tuesday 15 March 2011

JosephSafe is just too funny

This week I came across two videos posted on Youtube by an Italian Erasmus student who has been studying in Glasgow. He’s only made two videos but they have been popping up on my Facebook newsfeed left right and centre so he looks set to be the next big thing (with Erasmus students at least).

His first video “Italian Stereotypes” is basically parody of how we perceive Italians, whilst the second and most popular video “Sorry, I’m Erasmus” describes the life of an Erasmus student in less that 5 minutes. He is a really funny guy. He has that Italian cockiness which us British girls can’t help but find charming, and doesn’t mind looking like a douche; which is always important if you wanna be a youtube star. But the best bit about his videos is that everything he says is true. I’m watching the videos in fits of laughter, but I’m not only laughing at him, I’m laughing at myself too. Anyway anyone on their year abroad, thinking of a year abroad, completed a year abroad will enjoy these videos. Please show him some support by watching and subscribing, he is a genius and I’m looking forward to his next masterpiece.

JosephSafe, Travelling_Girl loves you <3


1 comment:

  1. Haha thanks! :D I've just found your post :3
