Friday 11 March 2011

Condolences to Japan

I’m sure you all know but today the most powerful earthquake ever recorded to hit Japan occurred today. The earthquake was a shocking 8.9 on the Richter scale and caused a giant Tsunami, which resulted in more destruction than the earthquake.

Why am I blogging about this?

My boyfriend is from Japan but he studies in the UK. As soon as I heard of the earthquake I phoned him to check that his family were ok. He was asleep and didn’t have clue what I was on about. His initial reaction was that I was exaggerating but when I repeated again and again that it was 8.9 he hung up and phoned home.

Luckily everyone at home is fine. However you could see by his face, during our video chat on skype, that he is very worried about what is going on in his home country. It must be very hard to be so far from home at a time when you country is going through something so horrific. I know as a follow student abroad that even if something like this happened in the North of England, I would still want to go home and be with my family. 

So to any Japanese away from home at the moment my heart goes out for you, especially my friends back in Marburg who live and study in Tokyo. I pray that like with my boyfriend everything is fine, please stay strong. To any foreign students studying in Japan at the moment I pray also for you safety, I hope that you have been able to contact your parents and family back home to let them know you are safe.

Please let’s keep the people of Japan in our thoughts.

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