Saturday 19 March 2011

Che Disastro! Getting lost on the Pullman

I normally go for a walk with my mentor on a Saturday morning but she was busy today. It was another nice day so I decided that I would go out alone. I thought it’d be a good opportunity to try out the bus route which I’ll need to take on Monday to get to one of my English tutees houses.

I needed to take two buses. The first journey went quite well. I accidently got off two stops early and ended up needing to walk up a hill and then miss the connecting bus, but c’est la vie. I waited half an hour and finally got on the second bus. After about 5 minutes on the bus I recognised that the area we were now in was Manzoni (which is where her house is) but I could not recognise any of the roads. I kept a look out for the train station or her house (she’d previously shown me where the bus stop was) but I never saw it. Before I knew it we were travelling down hill and I ended up in an area completely new to me. I stayed on the bus hoping that it would turn around soon but it didn’t. I sat on the bus for an hour! Finally I saw a metro station (which turned out to be a Cumana station…I was so confused) and I hopped off the bus. I took the Cumana to Montesanto where you normally need to change Cumanas but it turns out this one was the new Cumana (even MORE confusion).

I was happy to get home. It was a rather unsuccessful morning. I’m hoping I can figure out where I went wrong before Monday otherwise it’ll be night time by the time I get to her house.

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