Friday 19 November 2010

Pfand ist toll, I love Pfand.


On Monday 20th October I posted about “being ill in Germany”, where I gave a very very brief description of Pfand

In it I admitted that I had never actually received my Pfand back because I’d never given the bottles back.

Well today that all changed.

I forgot to buy some parcel tape today when I was in town, so I had to quickly get the bus to REWE at about 18.30 this evening. I checked my purse and realised that I didn’t have enough money. Then it hit me. I had a huge pile of bottles in my wardrobe, surely they’d be worth something right? Damn right! Those babies were worth €2.50. The parcel tape came to €2.99, but I had enough to cover that.

How does it work, you ask?

Basically the Pfand machine in REWE (it’s probably different in each supermarket) was in the actual shop by the drinks isle. You don’t need to press any buttons, you just put the bottle on the conveyer belt in the hole in the wall and when it disappears put in another bottle and another. You don’t need to remove the cap or lid, but you may need to blow the bottle up because if it is not round enough the machine will reject it. When you are finished you press a little green button and it prints you a voucher. You then use the voucher to pay for your shopping. BUT REMEMBER your voucher needs to be scanned before the shopping is scanned. 

Recycling really pays in Germany :D

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