Thursday 18 November 2010

Finally discovered the wonders of “Stats” but sad at “I hate my year abroad” searches.

I’ve been blogging for a few months now, but I’ve only just discovered that you can view your stats on your Blogger dashboard. Its amazing to see how many views my blog has been getting, plus where the viewers are coming from and how they found my blog. As it stands my blog has been viewed in 10 different countries, the top 3 being the UK, Germany and USA. My most viewed post is “Schokolade, Bitte”, which I just find hilarious.It is, in my opinion. my most pointless post to date, yet it is the most popular. I’ll try to post more pointless ones more often.
I hate my year abroad
I was having a look at where my traffic comes from and the most googled phrase that people use when they find my blog is “I hate my year abroad”. I found this really sad. I don’t know whether the people who are on google and actually on their year abroad and unhappy, or whether they are preparing for their YA and preparing themselves for the worst. Either way, i would like to say that I am there for anyone who is having difficulties or is worried about next year. At times I get really down, I’m sure a few of my past posts will show that, but please don’t let that spoil your time away. No matter how hard it is, whether you still haven’t found a permanent place to stay, you’ve ran out of money, you’ve lost your passport. just think of what you are getting out of this. Whenever I’m sad I remind myself of how much I’ve achieved since I’ve arrived. The life skills that I’m learning, how I’m becoming less dependent on others. Hell, I’ve learnt that eating alone in Mcdonalds is nowhere near as embarrassing as I thought it was. So please, don’t let the down days get to you. Year abroads are challenging, but don’t hate it, take on the challenge and learn to appreciate the good things, no matter how small or unimportant they seem. 
~~ Smile through the hard times, cherish every moment of happiness~~ 


  1. I found your blog by typing "I hate my year abroad" into Google. But you shouldn't feel sad about it, it's not your fault. If anything, I'm just glad I'm not the only person in the world who isn't enjoying it (because everyone else I know is having the time of their lives). I've found reading your blog very helpful. So thankyou :)

  2. 0612beth Sorry for the late reply, 4th year is very time consuming.
    I'm sorry to hear you're not enjoying your year abroad, and I can assure you, you are not the only one who feels like that. Some of my friends went through some horrific experiences and although my experience was generally positive there were days and weeks where I fell into a depressive state.
    My only advice is to focus on the good points (there must be something) and try to be as proactive as you can in getting the most out of your time abroad.
    I'm glad you're finding my blog helpful; one of the reasons why I started it was to bring consolation to myself and others.
    Stay strong xx

  3. I found your blog by googling 'I hate my year abroad'. I've been here 5 months and I most certainly do hate it ! The only benefit for me is improving my language, and that and the thought of going back to uni next year are the only things that keep me going. I'm sick to death of all of the 'year abroad is the best year of ur life!1!1!' bullshit. I never believed it but I've heard so much of it that I want to slap the next person who says it. I hat my year abroad, hate it hate it hate it.

  4. I am struggling in Portugal. I miss my dog and my house I worry I cannot do it. I was bad when I was in Spain and cried tears of relief when I landed in London. Now I am in Portugal and have three and a half more months left. I will do it but I am not coping I would help to mention I am a manic depressive so even I am amazed I have got through most of it. I found your page by searching "I hate my year abroad." I just wanted to see what people said. Thanks.x
