Friday 3 December 2010

Cartoon facebook fever finally hits the UK.

“Campaign Against Child Violence by UNICEF - Change your facebook profile picture to a cartoon from your childhood and invite your friends to do the same. Until monday, there should be no human faces on facebook, but a stash of memories. This is for eliminating violence against children.” <—This is what I found on my facebook news feed today. Déjà vu anyone?
If anyone remembers my post “Join in the fun and change your profile pic to a childhood cartoon character” then you’d know that this “phenomenon” hit Germany (and Italy so I hear) two weeks ago.
Not only is the UK two weeks behind us, but from the December 1st we all changed our profile pictures back therefore  the hope that there will be no human faces left on facebook is now highly unlikely.  Schade
Nevertheless I don’t want to discourage anyone from the UK or wherever not to take part, it was good fun trying to guess who was who without looking at the name. I look forward to seeing which characters my friends back from morph into. :)

UPDATE: Today statuses proclaim that the charity is NSPPC (how confusing)

UPDATE UPDATE: Now people are saying that is all a conspiracy to get children to accidently add paedophiles, since they won't be able to tell how old the person is by their profile picture. I personally think that all of this is hogwash, along with the NSPCC and UNICEF reasons. Why do people have to turn something which is fun and harmless into a serious issue.

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