Saturday 28 May 2011

Two pizzas in one week, feels like I’m back at uni

I finally met up with my friends again last night.

It was very spontaneous. I received a phone call at about 7.30pm asking me if I wanted to go round my friend’s house for dinner and then out after. I didn’t have any plans, apart from the weekly what a movie on a Friday night tradition, so I accepted the offer.

We ordered pizza, which was funny because my host mum had ordered pizza on Tuesday night. Although I’m living in the capital of pizza, I really haven’t eaten it that often so to eat it twice in one week seemed a little o.t.t and reminded me of when I’m at uni and end up eating Pizza for dinner, and then leftovers for lunch and dinner then next day all thanks to two for Tuesday at Dominoes. But I’m not complaining, and I had two different pizzas. On Tuesday it was margarita and last night D.O.C.

The funny thing was that her boyfriend decided to design his own pizza which consisted of ricotta cheese, ham and……………chips. I’m sorry, it’s ridiculous to put pineapple or sweet corn on a pizza, yet acceptable to have a bowl of French fries on the top. It did taste rather good though haha.

After dinner we went to another friend’s house for a bit and then we all got in the car to go to a bar. We drove to Bagnoli only find that the bar was shut. We waited outside the bar (in the car) for 30 minutes, because the others hadn’t arrived yet. In that time I fell asleep and they decided to take me home.

So that was my night last night. It wasn’t too exciting but better than staying at home. I’ve spent today trying to start a plan for Italian essay but I’m finding it hard to concentrate since I haven’t eaten any proper food all day. My host mum is in a weird mood today and she went out without leaving me anything to eat and has no come home without saying hello and gone straight onto the computer, so I’m 80% sure I’m not going to be getting any proper dinner either. I’m not gonna lie, I’m rather annoyed by this. 

EDIT: Almost forgot…They cut the pizza with SCISSORS!

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