Thursday 2 December 2010

Tandem Trauma

I had my first ever tandem this week. For those who don't have a clue what I'm talking about it is when two people of different mother tongues meet up and talk a bit in one language and then switch to the other. I took part in an English-Italian tandem (by English-German tandem partner doesn't seem that keen to meet up with me haha) and it was very embarrassing. I know that I've forgotten a lot of Italian since being here, but I didn't realise that I had forgotten THAT MUCH! She was lovely though, and wrote down all of the phrases and grammatical rules that I had forgotten, but it was just so frustrating. In my head I just wanted to scream at myself "you know that! why didn't you remember that mancare is used in the same way as piacere" So yeah, Italy is going to be interesting. But in the mean time I need to improve my German, so if my E-G tandem partner is reading this, let's meet hey?

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